Helping organisations and individuals succeed
through better spreadsheet and data skills

Microsoft Excel™

Live E-learning

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Presenting Excel™ Data in PowerPoint™

It's fair to say that Excel and PowerPoint are two of the most loved and most loathed applications in the modern business world - loved by those who know how to use them effectively, and detested by those who have to interpret poorly-presented data squashed onto a single PowerPoint slide. Whether it's internal company presentations, sales presentations or showing current project trends to senior stakeholders, the majority of presenters have little understanding of how to effectively display and link Excel files to PowerPoint presentations.

In this interactive 2-hour live e-learning course, you'll learn how to select the right data presentation format for your PowerPoint presentation, create compelling Excel tables and charts to display the data, link those to PowerPoint, and use PowerPoint's presentation capabilities to keep your audience focused on what you want them to know, rather than taking their own messages from the slides, or drifting off entirely.

Who should attend?

Intermediate to advanced users who want to take their skills to the next level and create high-impact presentations using Excel data

Key topics

Data presentation basics
Understanding how people receive information
The problems with presenting spreadsheets
Identifying the right format for your data
Dynamically linking Excel with PowerPoint
Spreadsheet embedding options
Using PowerPoint to keep the focus on the presenter
Ideal slide design
Highlighting key messages in slides
Applying subtle animations to increase data impact

Why take this course with us?

As a Navanter brand, Naturally Spreadsheets has a unique ability to bring the best techniques from communication skills to the world of Excel. Presented by Principal Trainer, Neil Shorney, an experienced presenter and public speaker, this course brings cutting-edge communication and presentation skills practices to the world of Excel and PowerPoint.

Live E-learning training courses from Naturally Spreadsheets...

Excel Live E-learning Level 1: The Basics

In this first step, you'll look at how Excel can be used in a business environment, and understand how to apply its functionality in your role. Click here for the full course outline.

Excel Live E-learning Level 2: Using Formulas

This course builds on your basic knowledge to help you use Excel's built-in helpers to create and use any formula. Click here for the full course outline.

Excel Live E-learning Level 3: Working With Data

In this highly interactive module, you'll trace the journey of data from beginning to end, from controlling the quality of data as it enters Excel, manipulating and tidying data within the software, and displaying it in the most effective way for different data types and uses. Click here for the full course outline.

Excel Live E-learning Level 4: Advanced Data

In this advanced data course, you'll go beyond VLOOKUP to learn how Excel's advanced lookup functions can tame the most complex data sets and reporting requirements. Click here for the full course outline.

Excel Live E-learning: Presenting Excel in PowerPoint

In this interactive course, you'll learn how to use Excel and PowerPoint's tools in combination to create slides which engage the audience to get your message across Click here for the full course outline.

Classroom training courses from Naturally Spreadsheets...

Excel Classroom Level 1: Introduction to Microsoft Excel

In this first step, you'll look at how Excel can be used in a business environment, and understand how to apply its functionality in your role. Click here for the full course outline.

Excel Classroom Level 2: Intermediate Excel

This course builds on your basic knowledge to help you use Excel's built-in helpers to create and use any formula, as well as using data validation, nested formulas and pivot tables. Click here for the full course outline.

Excel Classroom Level 3: Advanced Microsoft Excel

In this advanced Excel course, you'll use hands-on learning to tackle the most demanding data types using formulas such as INDIRECT, INDEX, MATCH and SUMPRODUCT, as well as some of Excel's most useful advanced tools. Click here for the full course outline.