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Microsoft Excel™

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Level 2: Using Formulas in Excel

The real business power in Excel comes not only from data presentation, but also from performing calculations and database lookups. This course builds on your basic knowledge to help you use Excel's built-in helpers to create and use any formula. A vital part of this, is understanding how Excel thinks and how you need to communicate to get the results you need. Once you're comfortable with this, we'll look at how Excel helps you the rest of the way.

During the course, you'll progress from first principles, to how and when to use some of Excel's most powerful formulas, from SUM, MAX and COUNT functions through to VLOOKUP, HLOOKUP and IF statements. To really apply formulas effectively, you'll also learn how to combine functions in nested formulas, and use different types of cell references to save yourself time entering formulas in different parts of a worksheet.

Who should attend?

Beginner to intermediate users who want to get really comfortable performing calculations and processing numbers

"The course was excellent and I learned new things in Excel which I never knew that are very useful." - Gail Glickman, Informa Support Services, Inc., Sarasota, FL, USA

Key topics

What is a formula?
Constructing a formula
Absolute and relative references
Calculating from other worksheets
Looking up data
Conditional functions
Nested formulas
Understanding other worksheets
Using Excel's formula tools

Why take this course with us?

Live e-learning from Naturally Spreadsheets represents a revolution in online learning. The perfect balance between the interactivity of the classroom and the convenience of e-learning, you'll spend a lively two hours with a real instructor as you take part in exercises, discussions and Q&A sessions, receiving personal attention to help you solve your spreadsheet problems. As you'll be learning with a business skills training company, you won't be faced with long lists of formulas to learn. Instead, you'll learn to think like Excel thinks and to communicate with Excel to achieve the results you need, all in a live, interactive online training session.

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Live E-learning training courses from Naturally Spreadsheets...

Excel Live E-learning Level 1: The Basics

In this first step, you'll look at how Excel can be used in a business environment, and understand how to apply its functionality in your role. Click here for the full course outline.

Excel Live E-learning Level 2: Using Formulas

This course builds on your basic knowledge to help you use Excel's built-in helpers to create and use any formula. Click here for the full course outline.

Excel Live E-learning Level 3: Working With Data

In this highly interactive module, you'll trace the journey of data from beginning to end, from controlling the quality of data as it enters Excel, manipulating and tidying data within the software, and displaying it in the most effective way for different data types and uses. Click here for the full course outline.

Excel Live E-learning Level 4: Advanced Data

In this advanced data course, you'll go beyond VLOOKUP to learn how Excel's advanced lookup functions can tame the most complex data sets and reporting requirements. Click here for the full course outline.

Excel Live E-learning: Presenting Excel in PowerPoint

In this interactive course, you'll learn how to use Excel and PowerPoint's tools in combination to create slides which engage the audience to get your message across Click here for the full course outline.

Classroom training courses from Naturally Spreadsheets...

Excel Classroom Level 1: Introduction to Microsoft Excel

In this first step, you'll look at how Excel can be used in a business environment, and understand how to apply its functionality in your role. Click here for the full course outline.

Excel Classroom Level 2: Intermediate Excel

This course builds on your basic knowledge to help you use Excel's built-in helpers to create and use any formula, as well as using data validation, nested formulas and pivot tables. Click here for the full course outline.

Excel Classroom Level 3: Advanced Microsoft Excel

In this advanced Excel course, you'll use hands-on learning to tackle the most demanding data types using formulas such as INDIRECT, INDEX, MATCH and SUMPRODUCT, as well as some of Excel's most useful advanced tools. Click here for the full course outline.